10 Things to do for a Healthy Weekend
Jog, yoga, breakfast, cycling, read call, play, help, swim, walk

6 Tips to Achieve Your 2016 Resolutions
Most of the New Year resolutions do not survive January. And if they survive April, there is a good chance they will stick for years. It is about habit formation. Here are some tips to help you through this tricky habit formation period and beyond.

Sport and startups…A Similar Journey
Learning sport and starting up have lot of overlaps. The lessons from learning squash, following football, cricket and creating spyn (a sports discovery app) have reinforced each other. Here are some quotes from sports greats that have helped me immensely.

10 Things to do for a Healthy Weekend
Jog, yoga, breakfast, cycling, read call, play, help, swim, walk

6 Tips to Achieve Your 2016 Resolutions
Most of the New Year resolutions do not survive January. And if they survive April, there is a good chance they will stick for years. It is about habit formation. Here are some tips to help you through this tricky habit formation period and beyond.

Sport and startups…A Similar Journey
Learning sport and starting up have lot of overlaps. The lessons from learning squash, following football, cricket and creating spyn (a sports discovery app) have reinforced each other. Here are some quotes from sports greats that have helped me immensely.