Sunflower Academy

Sunflower Academy

Roadpali, Navi Mumbai


We truly take education beyond classrooms.Today’s education is no more defined by boundaries. Knowledge today is shared globally irrespective of time, distance, geography or language through the technology platform. Children of today need an education, that prepares them to meet the challenges of the competitive world. While academic strength is essential to survive, they need excellent communication skills, understanding of global culture and its appreciation, a good character.
They enjoy every activity and every day at school. They understand and appreciate different cultures, the burning issues on environment, importance of social service and develop sensitivity towards the same. We bring-out the leadership skills in children and train them to be confident, capable and responsible citizens of tomorrow.

Ethics and etiquettes, morals and discipline, values and culture, need be ingrained into them at young age, to mould them into good human beings who are capable of taking the world in their stride. At Harvest, we aim to provide high quality of education in a supportive learning environment. We believe that every child is different and has to be provided an opportunity to succeed in his /her own way.

After serving the Society for the past 1O Years, Sunflower Primary School provide an all round development to your child and render a complete, holistic education that empowers your child in leading life tomorrow confidently.


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Roadpali, Navi Mumbai

Shop 19/20, Platinum Avior, Sec 20,Roadpali Navi Mumbai-410218

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