• Cricket - Muwailleh | Junior (Friday)

    ISCS - Muwailleh




    Cricket | 1 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 1 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

  • Cricket - Muwailleh | Junior (Saturday)

    ISCS - Muwailleh




    Cricket | 1 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 1 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

  • Cricket - Muwailleh | Junior (Sunday)

    ISCS - Muwailleh




    Cricket | 1 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 1 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 2 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | 3 Months Package


    For 3 MONTH

    Cricket | 3 D/W | Monthly Package


    For 1 MONTH


General Terms & Conditions :

  1. The academy fees paid is strictly Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable.

  2. Registered participants are responsible for attending ABTAL sessions.  As a matter, of course, ABTAL will not offer make-up sessions for any sessions missed for any reason except the circumstances outlined in Point 2 below.

  3.  In the case that a participant is injured and therefore cannot participate in the ABTAL activity that they have registered and paid for, that registration may be deferred until such point that the participant can re-join.  In this case, a signed medical certificate must be presented to ABTAL confirming the nature of the injury for ABTAL’s approval.  Please note, all deferrals shall be at the sole discretion of the ABTAL Management.

  4. Parents are strictly not allowed into the premises of training facility & kindly requesting the parents to restrict themselves from involving into the kid’s coaching classes. However, Parents shall meet the coaching staffs before/after the sessions for their kid’s feedback based on the availability of the coaching staffs.

  5. In case of any accident/incident during the course of coaching/ training which may lead to the trainee getting injured, (including grave and fatal injuries) neither the academy nor any of its staff shall be held responsible or liable. It shall be the endeavor of the academy to provide immediate medical aid in case of any such eventuality.

  6. However, non-compliance thereof for reasons beyond the control of the academy/ staff shall not be regarded as negligence and consequently the academy and its staff shall not be liable or responsible.

  7. Each ABTAL participant is solely responsible for providing their equipments including protective equipment, suitable sports footwear, ABTAL branded training and playing clothing as well as sufficient water to stay hydrated and all necessary precautions to protect them from the sun and heat.

  8. ABTAL reserves its rights to modify coaching/training session(s) timings & the coaching Venues & all ABTAL activities and their schedules are subject to change and may be altered at ABTAL’s sole discretion at any time for, but not limited to, the following reasons; inclement weather or climatic conditions, venue availability or the suitability, insufficient programme participation, staff illness/ injury, Public or Religious holidays or under the terms of ABTAL’s Force Majeure clauses. Should ABTAL choose to postpone or cancel any of its activities it shall do so at its sole discretion and will not offer any refunds unless otherwise stated.

  9. The academy does not ensure selection of the trainee in any tournament, the trainee is permitted to play matches for any team after giving prior written information to the academy if ABTAL is not participating in that relevant tournament.

  10. A trainee may be asked to leave the academy for any misbehavior or other reasons including his lack of commitment, any indiscipline or breach of the norms of the academy. In such circumstances, the amount of fees paid will be forfeited

  11. Student to follow academy guidelines and adhere to timelines

  12. The days, timing and fee structure for the academy will be communicated while registering for the particular academy

  13. If the academy participates in any tournament, match expenses will be charged extra from the trainee, if selected

  14. Fees shall be paid within 10 days of beginning of every month/ quarter. ABTAL has the right to deny access to the coaching classes of students who have failed to pay their fees within the stipulated days as mentioned above.

  15. Selection for ABTAL games and any representative programme shall be at the sole discretion of the ABTAL coaching team and according to the ABTAL Selection Policy.

  16. In case of any complaints, the parents or guardians of the trainees, may address the written complaint to &

  17. The academy or its staff will not be responsible for the trainee before or after the academy coaching time

  18. If the operation of the academy is suspended, or closed for any reason, the unutilized amount of fees will be refunded, with no further liability on the academy.

  19. ABTAL does not permit any video or other filming/ recording equipment at its activities unless express, prior written approval has been obtained from the ABTAL Management.  Accordingly, ABTAL participants accept that they cannot record or attempt to record (whether permanently or transiently) or transmit moving images or voices of anyone at or involved in ABTAL activities.

  20. ABTAL participants shall commit not to disclose or use any aspect of ABTAL’s content or activities for their commercial purposes.

  21. Any valuables including but not limited to mobile phones, wrist watches, goggles etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the trainee. In no circumstances, the academy or its staff shall be responsible for any loss of valuables or cricket gear of the trainee

  22. By making payment and/or singing up for the program, you confirm  that you are the parent or guardian of the trainee listed within the form (Registered in App) and have custody and control over him/her and you confirm that :

    1. you accept that there is an inherent risk of injury in the cricket program and coaching

    2. you accept that you must inform the academy by including in the application form if your child suffers from any ailments/allergies which the academy should have knowledge of

    3. you consent that the academy may call upon emergency medical advice for your child if an incident requires it

    4. you give your free consent to the trained first aid personnel caring for your child in the event of an accident

  23. The parent/ guardian acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the above terms and conditions or any amendments thereto, and grants his/her unconditional consent there to without any reservations.

    Liability & Participant Waiver:

    - All ABTAL participants, understand and accept that they participate entirely at their own risk and neither ABTAL shall not be held liable for any damage whatsoever arising from any personal injury or property loss sustained by them. Each ABTAL participant also assumes full responsibility for any injuries and/ or damages which occur in or about the ABTAL premises or any other premises used during a ABTAL activity, and fully and forever release and discharge ABTAL and any staff members connected to them from any demands, damages or rights of action, present or future resulting from participants’ involvement in ABTAL activities.

    - The cost of any damages caused by the participant to ABTAL property, including its equipment, assets and facilities will be passed on to the participant

    - The safety and wellbeing of customers and participants is ABTAL’s utmost priority.  ABTAL therefore, reserves the right to remove from without refund, any child or parent/guardian that is found to be bullying, misbehaving or generally being disruptive in line with ABTAL’s Player, Parent and Guardian Code of Conduct, which can be viewed below.

    - All ABTAL participants agree to grant ABTAL the worldwide right in perpetuity, without approval or compensation, to use any participant’s name, photographic or video image or likeness for any reasonable commercial purpose, unless such permission is withdrawn in writing addressed to the ABTAL management

    Games & Fixtures:

    - Games, tournaments and any other competitions that ABTAL runs/participates within any of its courses are operated at its sole and entire discretion and according to the terms of its Player, Parent and Guardian Code of Conduct as stated above.

    - We cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by anyone entering any competition or as a result of accepting any prize.


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